
The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans is unavailable, but you can change that!

After sketching the life of one of the New Testament's most zealous missionaries—the Apostle Paul—Moule then discusses the date, authenticity, language of the letter, as well as questions regarding the last few chapters of Romans. Moule lays out the theology of Romans in clear, comprehensive notes, ending with an index to the introduction, notes, and appendices.

of the faith, i.e. the faith of the utterer. The meaning “the (Christian) faith” would in itself be allowable, but in this Epistle (see note “on measure of faith” above) it is not probable. The Gr. word rendered “proportion” is analogia, (whence our analogy). It is used in classical Greek for arithmetical proportion, and in its derived meanings closely resembles our word “proportion.” Here, accordingly, we may fairly render in proportion to his faith; as regulated by his faith, in respect of less
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